Monday, July 9, 2018

Yes I Am A Lesbian

Yes I Am A Lesbian
Yes I Am A Lesbian
Yes I Am An AfriCAN AneriCAN LesbiAN
and Yes, that's right I got that off
the movie's just sex
but anyway
Yes I am a Lesbian
I love etc.
and Yes I am a lesbian
that is what I have to say over and over again
when someone asks me for the third and sometimes
the fourth time
Then they go on to say you can't be a lesbian
you don't look like a lesbian or they say you look too good to be a lesbian
I know that you are getting tired of me saying this but
this is what I have to say over and over again
when someone asks me for the third and sometimes
the fourth time
and at that point sometimes I don't know
what I should say or feel
should I be angry or offended by the remark as if they were saying to my face that all
lesbians were suppose to be ugly or average looking and that I looked too good or maybe
looked too straight to be a lesbian what is that all about
this is what I have to go through on a daily basis because quote on quote I look straight
but that is not the end or the crazy part about this whole thing
the crazy part is that it has not always been straight
women and men who have said this to me yes that's right
it has been transexuals, gay guys, and even lesbians who have
said this to me and my answer has
is and will always be
Yes I am a Lesbian
Click Link For Youtube Video

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