Friday, July 20, 2018

My Fake Boyfriend

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Hey, guys! I'm Zack and I am officially a member of Blogger I've been reading
for a while now and I've recently become interested in dwelling in the
writing arts, so I thought Blogger would be a great way to exercise this desire

I hope you guys enjoy reading my book as much as I enjoy writing it!

So, here goes nothing, I present.. My Fake Boyfriend


It was almost time. A minute left on the clock
until it struck 3-the end of school. Gathering
all my papers, I stuffed them carelessly into
my binder, At long least-the weekend was here

The bell rung and I remained seated, hoping to
wait out the crowd of 'kids' stampeding  their
way to the door. When all was clear, I stood up,
waved tiredly to the teacher and trudged outside
the classroom and into the bleak hallways

It was a Friday, the last day of school till Monday
and, honestly, there was not a more joyous occasion.
School was a horror-ridden nightmare, especially
when spent alone.

I sighed heavily and opened my locker. Throwing
my books in, I turned to-glance at myself in the small
mirror attached to the wall of the locker door, studying my
reflection. My brown hair was up in a pony tail, giving a perfect
view of my face. I grimaced at my reflection. I was ugly, and
I couldnt find any way to deny it.

Like what you see? I know I don't A voice sneered sarcastically
from behind me I whirled on my heel to come face to face with the
school slut.

Britney Sanders- also known as my bully from day one. I hated her,
but I couldn't deny the fact that, no matter how fake britney was,
she was gorgeous, Her blonde hair cascaded smoothly down her back
outlining her slim jawline.

"What are you staring at?" Britney growled yet she was smiling
slightly. Yes-it was evident in her eyesthat she was aware that
I envied her.

Britney chuckled slightly to herself.
"A sad, lonely; hideous hag. How pathetic," She squeaked, looking
down at her nails. Tears stung at my eyes. I looked around,
Students stood and watched as the scene played out- most
sniggered at my plight yet a small few looked in sympathy.
Nonetheless, none of them stood up for me.

And then all of a sudden there, walking down the hallway with her
friends, was the schools 'most beautiful girl in school' she walked
in our direction and said to Britney what's going on.Britney said
I am just bulling this girl.

The girl who was talking to Britney was actually Britney's older sister
Amy. Amy was a Senior and we were Juniors. She said to stop bulling
Loreal. Britney then said ok and then walked away

Amy then said Loreal sorry about my sister and I said it's not
everyday you have a psychopathy for a sister terrising the whole
student body. Amy smiled and then said my parents are going to be
out of town this weekend and I am throwing a party you should come.

I said sure I would love to come. Amy then gave me her address
and then her and her friends left. I got home and then I asked
my parents is it ok if I go to a party this weekend and they said sure

The next day that afternoon I got ready for the party and got in my parent's
car and went to the party. There were a lot of people standing outside and
I walked in the door and I saw Amy I walked over to her and said hi she said
hi and then she said do you want a drink and I said yes

She came back with a bottle of vodak and then she said you want to join the
drinking game over here and I said sure we got sooo drunk and then she said
at 2 o'clock in the moring to a few people still there ok the party is over
she asked me could I help her clean up the place and I said yeah. She then said
no I don't think we are going to clean up tonight and I said ok I will just go
home and Amy said my sister told me your good at science could you help me with
my homework. and I said yes we went upstairs into her room and she said I am
going to take a quick shower. Amy went to take a shower and then I was walking
around in Amy's room and I saw on the desk a issue of the magazine Playboy
where they have nothing but girls naked.

I turned towards the door and I walked towards the shower and I opened the
door and I saw her taking a shower I took off my close and then I got in
the shower with her she turned and we started making out and then we had
sex in the shower and in Amy's bedroom.

That whole last semester I had to pretend I had a boyfiriend everytime my
parents asked where are you going to so yes I had a fake boyfriend
We were in a relationship even when she went to college
and after I graduated from High school I went to the same college
as Amy. After we both graduated from college got our own jobs and a house to live we both
told our parents that we were lesbians. Amy and I then got married- had kids and Lived Happily Ever After.

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