Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Review On The Movie Imagine You And Me

   Review On The Movie Imagine You And Me

Rachel And Luce Meets

Rachel is about to get married and by some cosmetic fate as she is walking down the aisle she looks over to the side and she falls right then and there in love with a woman name Luce.Rachel despite what she just realized that she was gay, she gets married. Rachel and Luce meet each other at the banquet and Luce the women who is actually gay says hi to Rachel. Rachel who has already also stolen Luce's heart. Rachel says hi as her arm is in a punch bowl trying to fish out her ring which is in the punch bowl. Rachel and Luce get to know each other as Luce is getting Rachel's ring out the punch bowl. The next day Rachel goes to the flower shop where Luce works to say thank you for arranging the flowers at her wedding.

Rachel and Luce's Dinner Date

Then Rachel asks Luce would she come to her and her husband's house for dinner she says yes. Rachel, Luce and Rachels husband and Rachels husband friend are at dinner talking. They are talking about when you know when you have met that right person to marry dinner scene conversation Rachel's husband says "It'll all change when you meet Miss Right. And how am I supposed to know when I do that? You don't know, not straight away. It just feels... warm and comfortable... and you hang in there and give it a chance before you know it, you're like... "Yeah, this is it. Must be love." Yeah, I'm with her. - I'm with her, too. Give me that. Luce says I don't agree. I think you know immediately. You know, as soon as your eyes...Then everything that happens from then on, just proves...that you had been right in that first moment.When you suddenly realized you had been incomplete and now you are whole." After dinner, the next scene Rachel and her husband and Luce and her friend happened to meet at a grocery store and that is when Rachel finds out that Luce is a lesbian. Then the next scene with the two ladies is at a play Rachel and Luce is sitting next to each other and then everything just got quite then they both put their hands on the bench that is side by side to them almost touching each other's hands. Rachel looks at Luce and then She looks at Rachel. Rachel then pulls back Luce's hair about to kiss her and then they both like wake up not facing each other like they both had the same dream. The next scene with the two ladies they take a day together and at the end of the night as they are walking to Rachel place Rachel asks Luce What does the lily mean? Luce: The lily means...[pause] Luce: The lily means, "I dare you to love me".

Rachel And Luce Kiss

Then next day Rachel is thinking about Luce at work and Luce is thinking about Rachel at her work. Rachel goes to Luce's job. She walks into the shop sees that Luce is with a customer and just walks into the back room and shuts the door. Then Luce gets finish with the customer Luce goes to the back room where Rachel is waiting. Rachel kisses Luce. Rachel and Luce then throughout The Movie fall deeper and deeper in love with each other. At the end of the movie Rachel breaks up with her husband and runs for the one she truly loves and that would be Luce.They give each other a great big kiss and the movie ends. All around a great movie.

The Movie Imagine You And Me

Clink Link For Youtube Video

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