Tuesday, January 16, 2018

MTV The City Whitney And Olivia Short Story

MTV The City Whitney And Olivia Short Story
Click Link For Youtube Video http://mondoagram.com/1ouG

Whitney is hired to work at a fashion company. Whitney gets a tour of where she will be working and beings working that day. Whitney is working and then a few hours later Olivia the Boss of the department she is working in walks in. Olivia introduces herself to Whitney and Whitney introduces herself to Olivia. As They are introducing themselves to each other they both cannot stop staring into each other's eyes. A Meeting is called everyone goes to the meeting. After the meeting Olivia asks Whitney since it's almost time for us to get off work would you like to come with me to dinner. Whitney says I actually have a date with a guy so maybe another time. Olivia says ok. That night after Whitney's  date Whitney's roommate asks how was her date and how was work. Whitney says my date was great and how much she liked the guy and she can not wait to see him again. Then she tells her roommate about work and about Olivia her Boss. The next day is a fashion show everyone is preparing and walking the runway. The show was a success and afterwards is a fashion show after party. Whitney is talking to a lot of different people and Olivia also. Olivia asks Whitney 
would she come to her rooftop dinner party that she is having tomorrow. Whitney says yes and asks can she bring the guy she went on a date with and a friend. Olivia says yes. The next night was the dinner party Olivia keeps staring at Whitney and Whitney keeps stairing at Olivia. Olivia keeps asking Whitney questions just so that they can stair into each others eyes somemore without anyone noticeing. Olivia asks Whitney can she help her out with something inside. Whitney and Olivia goes to Olivia place and they start to kiss each other. They walk to Olivia's bedroom while still kissing and have sex. Then they both go back to the rooftop dinner everyone is just sitting and talking. Olivia's friend says you guys were gone for so long we almost called a search party for you two. Whitney then says to her date and friend let's go I am getting a little sleepy Did Olivia and Whitney have sex or what. That's a secret I'll never tell you know you love me xoxo, gossip girl.

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