Friday, November 10, 2017

A Short Story Jordan and Britney Spears

A Short Story Jordan and Britney Spears

Britney Spears was just getting off from doing the Mickey Mouse Show. And had her limo drop her off from the airport to her new family home in LA California. She gets out of her limo and sees this black girl play basketball across the street. She looks at her and the black girl looks at Britney. Britney then walks into her house and her family says surprise her family was giving her a welcome home surprise party. That night Jordan was still playing basketball. Britney now in her room opens her window and says do you go to sleep much. Jordan than says am I bothering you if you can't sleep I will stop. Britney than say no your not bothering me and my name is Britney by the way. Jordan says my name is Jordan. Britney say are you in high school. Jordan says  I am a freshman in high school what about you. Britney says well I am going to the studio tomorrow I am a singer. Jordan says great maybe you can sing for me. Britney smiles and says maybe. Britney says I am going to bed. Jordan says goodnight. The next day Britney is in the studio singing for her new album. Jordan is at her basketball championship game. At the end of the night Britney opens her window because she sees Jordan sitting outside her window looking at the stars. Britney says how was your day. Jordan say my team won the championship game. Britney says congraduations. Jordan says how was your day. Britney say I finished my album. Jordan says great. Jordan says I am out of school because tomrrow starts our summer vacation. Britney says I can call for a lino and we can just spend the whole day at the beach and in the city. Jordan says that would be great. Britney when the limo arrives walks over to Jordan's house and Jordan's mother answers the door. Britney says hi I am here to see Jordan. Jordan's Mom says come in she is upstairs getting ready you can go up and say hi. Britney says thank you. Britney goes to Jordan's room. Britney opens the door and Jordan turns around Jordan is wearing a sports bra with a towel wrapped around her waist and water is dripping off of her. Britney looks at Jordan Jordan looks at Britney. Britney says hi I am sorry I did not know you just got out of the shower. Jordan says it's ok at that moment Jordan's Mom comes to the door and says is everything ok. Jordan says yes and that Britney is the girl she is going to spend the day with. Jordan's Mom says Briney why don't you come downstairs so we can talk and get to know one other before you and my daughter go somewhere. Jordan's Mom and Britney go downstairs and talks. A minute later Jordan comes downstairs wearing a Jordan icon t-shirt with basketball shorts. Jordan and Britney get's in the limo and Britney says would you like a drink. Jordan says is that alcohol Britney says what else would it be. Jordan says I don't drink Britneys says I don't either and then they smile and beings to drink the whole day they both are drunk shopping and going to art galleries and starbucks and to the beach. At the end of the night they are at the famous Hollywood sign look out. Jordan and Britney have sex for the first time for the both of them. The next morning they  wake up in the limo. Jordan says are you ok and Britney says yes. Jordan says I had a great night. Britney says I had a even better night. The whole summer Jordan and Britney have sex and spend time with each other. At the end of the summer Britney has to start promoting her new album and Jordan is going to school. Seven years later Jordan and her team is the top champions of the WNBA. And Britney is a famous singing superstar. Jordan and her team is playing the championship game. Everyone who is a A-List Celebrity will be there it will be a historical championship game. Britney is there she sits in the front row right behind Jordan's team. Jordan sees her and she sees Jordan they look at each othe for a quick one minute because Jordan has to keep her head in the game. Jordan and the team won. Jordan is interviewed and the news reporter asks what are you going to do afterwards. Jordan says I am going to Disney World. Jordan and Britney meets up at Britney's hotel because Britney's assistant gives her the directions and they have sex Did Britney and Jordan have sex or what. That's a secret I'll never tell you know you love me xoxo, gossip girl.

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