Wednesday, December 23, 2020




as I come home from college I open the door I see my sister sitting in the living room

I say Hi and go upstairs


Something didn't seem so right so I just happen to look in my closet and my season 1-5

of Queer As Folk DVDs where not there


I go downstairs and ask my sister where are my DVDs my sister then says I threw them away


I said why did you even go in my room and happen to see them and threw it away


she said you don't need to be looking at stuff like that


I go back up to my room


my sister doesn't know I am a lesbian but now after her finding my DVDs I think she knows

without me telling her


I think she already knew I was a lesbian because why would she go snooping around my room


knowing that my sister knew I was a lesbian and her acting out like that made me think

she has some rage within about me being a lesbian 


my DVDs costed $150 a piece so yes right now I am full


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