Monday, April 22, 2019

The Elixir

The Elixir
The Elixir
The Elixir
I just broke up with my girlfriend
because I just could not feel love for her
I liked her a lot but it just wasn't there
The Elixir
The Elixir
The Elixir
where is that elixir the thing that makes you just be in a
relationship no matter if you not feel a connection with that person
the elixir that makes you get married to a perfect stranger even though 
you have been in a relationship for 5 years or more years with that person
The Elixir
The Elixir
The Elixir
maybe there is no elixir and the whole world is just a bunch of freaks
who get off on fucking perfect strangers
The Elixir
The Elixir
The Elixir

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