Monday, April 29, 2019


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Go Buy Some Of My Artworks  The Artworks Are Called Coming Out Of The Closet And The Life Of A Gay Person Click Link   
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Friday, April 26, 2019

Wy Does People

Why Does People

Why Does People
Does The Stupidus
Why Does People
Does The Stupidus
Why Does People
Does The Stupidus
Like Kill Jesus
Why Does People
Does The Stupidus
Why Does People
Does The Stupidus
Why Does People
Does The Stupidus
Like Kill Martin Lurther King
Why Does People
Does The Stupidus
Why Does People
Does The Stupidus
Why Does People
Does The Stupidus
Like Kill John Leonnon
Why Does People
Does The Stupidus
Why Does People
Does The Stupidus
Why Does People
Does The Stupidus
Like Kill Gandhi
Why Does People
Does The Stupidus
Why Does People
Does The Stupidus
Why Does People
Does The Stupidus

Awesome Youtube Video

100% Of Americans

100% Of Americans
Or The World
Has Contemplate
Quiting There
Jobs One Day Or

Those Days

Those Days
You Don't
Want To Be
But You Ass
Is At Work

Thank God

Thank God 
For What 
You Created

Monday, April 22, 2019

The Elixir

The Elixir
The Elixir
The Elixir
I just broke up with my girlfriend
because I just could not feel love for her
I liked her a lot but it just wasn't there
The Elixir
The Elixir
The Elixir
where is that elixir the thing that makes you just be in a
relationship no matter if you not feel a connection with that person
the elixir that makes you get married to a perfect stranger even though 
you have been in a relationship for 5 years or more years with that person
The Elixir
The Elixir
The Elixir
maybe there is no elixir and the whole world is just a bunch of freaks
who get off on fucking perfect strangers
The Elixir
The Elixir
The Elixir

Monday, April 8, 2019

Sex In The City-Cosmopolitan-Writer-Chapter 2

Sex In The City-Cosmopolitan-Writer-Chapter 2

The next day we staired at each other and next day and the day after that and the day after that lol. Then one day I was late for lunch and she showed up. We were both standing in line and she rubbed her one of her brast on my arm while we were standing in line (high school seniors). we did not end up having sex but it was a good senior year. We graduated and went to separate colleges. THE END.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Sex In The City-Cosmopolitan-Writer-Chapter 1

Sex In The City-Cosmopolitan-Writer-Chapter 1

my first high school crush all started when I was in twelfth grade i was suppose to be in the eleventh grade but I went to summer school to skip up a grade but i had to take a few classes when i got back to school from summer it was the first day of school and me and the whole school was in the gym and the seniors as they did every year walked out and sat in chairs in the middle of the gym so I saw this girl and i was like i have to meet that girl it was a clear day and i was in the flirting mood and so on my way to the next to the last class or  the last class before lunch i began flirting and as i was walking down the stair this freshman girl have to have been in the flirting mood too because she stepped in front of me and said hi i was like hi and then i walked around her because she was to young after flirting with this other senior girl and i saw her the girl i wanted to flirt with i saw her and then i looked into her eyes and she completely fell back against the walk and the captain of the football team was there and saw her fall back and a few other students and they all started laughting and i just kept walking the next day i realized that she was in one of my classes because i was in class and bored and i wanted to flirt with some girls so i began looking around the room and then i saw her and she was starrring at me and so i starred back and then one of her male friends pulled her hair and was like hey and she was like whats wrong and then after a few minutes the bell rings for lunch and so after lunch i was like i wonder if that girl has the same lunch and so i looked around and i saw her and we started to look into each others eyes and it was like no one else was there even though our friends was around us 
To Be Continued...

POPULAR as a grownup

 Popular as a grownup New in town or city hard  To find friends  Why because you are intelligent And look good So you are a breathe of fresh...