Saturday, September 22, 2018

Short Stories

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This Scene Takes Place At A High School Freshman Year. There Are Children Who Have Come From So Many Different Middle Schools And Now Are Here At High School Where They All Meet.
This girl name Jordan and her five friends are walking down the hall everyone stares. They are all very very beautiful at that moment everyone knew they were the popular student of the high school and they were freshmen. Everyone is in class. Jordan is in history class and the very first day the teacher assigns a history paper. She Pears two students and gives them an assessment. Taylor and Abigail both freshman and friends are furious because they both wanted to be together for any assessments. Taylor and Jordan are partners. The teacher says we are going to explore different things that happen in the news lately. We all picked an assignment out of a bowl no one could see what they picked. Taylor and Jordan met after class outside the classroom door they both look into each other's eyes and then introduced themselves to each other. Taylor says why don't you come over to my place after school and we can get started on the research paper. Jordan says ok. Taylor gives Jordan her address. The bell rings time for next class. Jordan has her own car a Ferri everybody in school loves that car and her five friends one has a Benz, Mercedes, range rover, Bently, and a mustang best cars in the parking lot freshman-senior. Taylor opens the door because her mom doesn't get home until 9 at night. Jordan says hey and Taylor says hey Jordan walks in Taylor says I am cooking some food come in the kitchen. Taylor and Jordan eats and then goes upstairs to Taylors room. Jordan takes out the assessment they both don't know what it is yet. Jordan looks and says wow Taylor says what Jordan gives her the paper Taylor says we have to do a research paper and even interview gay people on gay marriage very awesome. Jordan says no not awesome this is a little too much gay marriage Taylor sits on her bed and says what do you mean it's not that much. Jordan says I am not gay and never will I be gay Taylor gets up and says that I am not gay either I think this is a great research paper. Jordan says whatever. Taylor says let's get started first we have to see where will we go to find gay people to interview. Taylor says the paper doesn't do until the end of school. Taylor says my cousins live in San Francisco maybe we can take a trip there. Jordan says my parents can pay for the plane tickets. Taylor says great. Taylor says we should take the trip during spring break. Jordan says ok. Taylor says we can get started on the paper and add the interviews later. Taylor walks over to her computer to start writing on the paper she says the first subject we have to write on is gay equality. They start on the paper. Subject after subject on gay people gay equality etc. Jordan says it's dark outside it's getting late and we have a lot of material so far and we will get more tomorrow. Taylor says you want to eat dinner before you go I can cook something really fast. Jordan says I don't think so the cook at my house probably already cook dinner. Taylor says you live in that mansion on the hills. Jordan says yes. Taylor walks Jordan to the door and opens the door and says tomorrow I will cook something special for you and we can have some dessert this time. Jordan says ok whatever and she says bye. Taylor shuts the door and she runs upstairs and calls Abigail and they talk about the assignment then Taylor says the most popular girl in school she's is very beautiful Abigail says, of course, the beautiful and rich. Taylor says Abigail Abigail says what Taylor says nevermind. The next day Jordan knocks on the door Taylor opens the door and Taylor is wearing a very short skirt Jordan walks in an say hey wassup. Taylor says cooked. Jordan says great I am hungry I just went to cheerleading tryouts today. Taylor says I am sure you will be on the squad. Jordan says yes. Taylor says I also made us some sundaes. Taylor says I just have to get the whipped cream. Taylor puts the whipped cream on the sundaes and then put some whip cream in her mouth and then asks Jordan you want some. Jordan says sure. Jordan reaches out her hand for the whipped cream. Taylor pulls back the can an says no. Taylor says tit your head back I will spray some whip cream in. Jordan says no give me the can. Taylor says no tit your head back. Jordan says ok.Taylor puts some whip cream in Jordans month than put some on her neck and then Taylor starts licking it off Jordans neck and then Taylor grabs Jordan's hips while Jordan is laughing Taylor pushes Jordan against the counter whiles still licking her neck Taylor then starts sucking on Jordan neck Taylors body is pushed against Jordan's body and Taylor is sucking Jordans neck. Taylor starts to kiss Jordan and Jordan kisses her back. Taylor and Jordan have sex in the kitchen. After Jordan puts on her clothes Taylor says Jordan. Jordan does not say anything and just puts on her clothes. Jordan finishes putting on her clothes. Taylor gets up naked puts her two hands on her waist Taylor starts kissing Jordan and Jordan kisses Taylor back and pushes her against the refrigerator and Taylor continues kissing Jordan and then Taylor grabs Jordan's hand and takes her upstairs to her room they have sex again.
Taylor wakes up the next morning gets ready for school. Taylor goes to Jordan's locker and says hey to Jordan Jordan get's her book and shut the locker without saying anything to Taylor. Jordan knock on Taylor's door Taylor opens the door Jordan has on her cheerleading uniform and her five friends are in the car waiting. Taylor says congratulation your a cheerleader. Jordan says I am captain. Jordan says I think we should finish the research paper during spring break. Taylor says ok. Jordan turns and gets in the car with her friends. Though out the rest of the school term they didn't talk. They would look at each other from time to time. And then it was Spring Break. Taylor calls Jordan Taylor says hey Jordan says hey Taylor says my mom talked to your mom and our plan leaves tomorrow Jordan says yes. Taylor says your mom also got us a Hilton Hotel Presidential Suite. Jordan says yes. Taylor says my cousin she will meet us at the airport. Taylor says to Jordan I can't wait to see you Jordan says same here. Jordan says I am going to get some sleep. Taylor's mom and Taylor and Jordan's mom and Jordan meet at the airport. Taylor and Jordan wave to there parents and gets on the plan. Taylor and Jordan get cranberry juice and sunflower seeds. Taylor touches Jordan's hand and then puts her hand inside Jordan's hand and Jordan turns her head towards the window and falls asleep. Then Taylor wakes Jordan up and says we're here. Taylor and Jordan met Taylor's cousin at the airport Taylor's cousin is there with five friends. Taylor's cousin says welcome to San Francisco The Gay Capital we are going to have a blast. Taylor's cousin introduces her friends. Taylor's cousin took them to there Presidential Suite first they put down their bags. Taylor's cousin took them to the mall, to the beach where some of Taylor's cousin friends parents had a beach house and Taylor's cousin friends were staying there for Spring Break and were having a party that night. Taylor, Jordan, and Taylor's cousin and friends all went to Taylor's other friend's beach house party that night. Everyone was having fun drinking and talking and dancing. There were a lot of dance crews at the party so there was a great dance battle. Taylor's cousin friend had a great DJ. At the end of the night, the DJ started to play slow songs. The DJ said this is the last slow song of the night and then the party will be ending at that time it was 5 pm in the morning. Taylor looked at Jordan and said let's dance. Taylor grabs Jordan's hand and then began to slow dance. The DJ after a while says I hope you all had a great time the party is ending. Taylor and Jordan friends Taylor's cousin and friends. Taylor cousin takes them to the Hilton. They fell fast asleep in their own bed. Jordan woke up to a smell of great room service food. Taylor was knocking on the door and was saying it's dinner time. Jordan get's up and the eat a beautiful candle lite dinner with slow music playing in the background. Afterward, Taylor says let's slow dance. They started to slow dance after a little while Taylor starts to kiss Jordan. Then they had sex. The next morning they started on there paper. That whole week they just did their research paper and had sex every night. Taylor's cousin on the last night took them to the airport and they all said goodbye to each other. Taylor and Jordan got on the plane. Taylor and Jordan got off the plane when they were back home. Spring Break was over and it was time to go to school. Taylor and Jordan got an A+ on their paper. Threw out the rest of the school terms they just had sex and had fun. Then the week before they both graduated Taylor went out of town and she told Jordan Taylor did not tell her why. When Taylor got back she told Jordan why she left. She told Jordan that she got a record deal and that all those time she told Jordan she couldn't come over because she had the sing and music lesson actually paid off. Taylor told Jordan that she would be entering the talent contest the day before graduation. Taylor the day of the contest she played the guitar and song that was the first time Jordan heard her sing and play the guitar. Taylor was great and she won the contest. Taylor actually song at graduation. The night of graduation Taylor and Jordan had sex and just talked for the rest of the night. The next day Taylor was going to Nashville to meet with the record producers and Jordan was going to Harvard to become a lawyer. They said their goodbyes that morning and never saw or talked to each other. Then everyone got there 10-year reunions mail letting them know that it was time for the reunion. At that time Tayor was a famous country singer and Jordan was breaking records and history to be the first women to ever accomplish so much at her age and she was also the highest paid A-list Lawyer in the United States Of America. Taylor sent Jordan an e-mail to her assistant letting her know that a private plane will be picking her up the week before the reunion and that she wants Jordan to come to her beach house to spend some time with each other. Taylor meets Jordan at the private airport of Taylor's. Taylor steps out of her limo and walks to Jordan and says it's been a long time. Jordan says yes. Taylor and Jordan stay at Taylor's beach house and has sex all over Taylor's house. Did Taylor and Jordan have sex or what. That's a secret I'll never tell you know you love me xoxo, gossip girl.

Short Story
When Night Is Falling
Starring Camille Baker And Petra Soft
(New Edition New Short Story)
Camille Baker is in a laundry room and in comes this girl. She puts down her clothes looks at the quarters in her hand and sees that she doesn't have enough coins. She looks around the laundry room and sees Camille. Camille already staring at the women turns her head as the women catch Camille staring at her. The women walk over and askes for a quarter. Camille says yes I have a quarter and hands the quarter to the woman as their hand met they both started to stare at each other. Then once the women put the clothes in the laundry. She walks over to Camille and introduces herself. She says my name is Petra Soft thanks for the quarter and then Camille introduces herself. Camille says my name is Camille Baker and your welcome. Petra asks Camille what are you reading. Camille says just a course agenda for my class I am a teacher at Hampton High. Petra than says I also am in a circus. Camille laughs. Petra says we travel all around the world. The buzzer on the dry buzzed and Camille says that's me I am done. Petra than says too bad I was just getting to know you. Camille says I Know Right. Camille packs up and says goodbye. Petra then says goodbye. The Next Day Petra after school as the teachers are all walking to their cars. Petra is standing in the parking lot waiting on Camille.
Camille sees Petra and walks to her and says Hi. Petra then says you left this in the laundry room. Camille says Thank You and takes the clothing item. Camille then says would you like to come over to my house for dinner. Petra than says that would be great. Camille gets in her car and Petra follows Camille in hers. When Camille and Petra got to Camille's place and as they were walking into Camille's door. Petra says I did not know teachers were making this much money. Camille says I actually have a rich family. Petra than says you live alone and Camille says yes and no. I have a chef and a maid and you just met the doorman. Camille says you wait in the living room I have to get clean up. Petra walks into the living room looks at the huge fireplace. After a few minutes, Camille walks down the stairs and walks into the living room. The Chef than walks into the room and says dinner is served. After dinner, Camille and Petra are sitting in the living room in front of the fireplace. Camille says to Petra will you give me a back massage. Petra begins to message Camille and then Petra says Camille, I'd love to see you in the moonlight with your head thrown back and your body on fire. Camille stops and turns face to face with Petra and they begin to kiss. That Night They made love in the living room in front of the fireplace and in Camille's room. Camille wakes up and a letter is on the bed telling her that her Petra had to go to work and that if she wanted to see her for Camille to come to and there were directions on the paper. Camille gets ready goes to Petras job and sees Petra practicing. Right then and there was the moment Camille fell in love with Petra. Petra sees Camille staring at her and walks over to Camille. Camille says Hi and Petra says Hi. Petra says I have something to tell you. Camille says what Petra says the circus leader says we are leaving out tonight. Camille says what so you're leaving. Petra says I know your upset but yes. Camille says what if I told you-you can leave with me. Petra says you know I am not that kind of a woman to stay home whiles my woman work. Camille says OK and then walks away. That night Camille is in the living room looking out the window as it is raining drinking some liquor waiting on her two best friends to come over to keep her company and just have a girl night. The doorbell then rings Camille turns and sees the doorman the doorman says you have a visitor. Petra walks in the living room soaking wet. Camille smiles and says you did not go. Petra smiles and says I couldn't. Camille and Petra Than Kisses and have sex Did Petra and Camille have sex or what. That's a secret I'll never tell you know you love me xoxo, gossip girl.

Short Story
Coyote Ugly
(A Short Story Coyote Ugly Rewritten)
Violet Sanford's boss is leaving on vacation. At the last minute, her boss's brother needs her to nanny his college senior daughter Jordan. Because he and his wife had to go out of town. Violets boss asks her to nanny Jordan instead. Violets boss asks her to nanny Jordan for the summer and that she is a Catholic college senior and that she needed her to nanny Jordan for the summer. Violet says yes. Violets boss asks her to pick Jordan up at the LA Airport tomorrow. Violet says OK. The Next Day Violet pulls up to the airport and stands on the sidewalk with a sign saying Jordan. Jordan walks over to Violet and says Hi I am Jordan are you, Violet. Violet looks into Jordan bright blue eyes wearing her college school girl uniform and stairs for a second an says yes. They both get in Violets Range Rover and heads to Violet's house. As they are riding in Violet's car Jordan puts her long blonde hair in a ponytail. Then she looks at the CDs that are placed in the viewer. Jordan says WOW haven't you heard of iPad or at least mp3s. Violet says I haven't been to the Best Buy in a few days because I have been busy with something called a job. Jordan laughs and says OK. They arrive at Violet's place. Violet and Jordan walk through the door. Jordan then says you have a great place here. Violet says thanks. Violet shows Jordan her room and says get unpack while I cook dinner. They eat dinner after dinner they watched tv as they are sitting Jordan turn the tv channels she then stops at showtime and there is a marathon for all the seasons of the show The Real L Word. Jordan tells Violet to pop some popcorn Violet says OK. Violet not knowing what The Real L Word was about then sits down with the pop popcorn places it in between them as they are watching the show Violet realizes that it is a gay show. Violet says is this a show your parents would mind you watch jokingly and smiles. Jordan then says why are you getting a little HOT down there and smiles. Violet than says you wish. Than Jordan looks into Violets eyes and says maybe for a few seconds they just stared into each other eyes and then Jordan turns to watch the show. Violet than says I am going to bed I will see you tomorrow. The Next Day Jordan wakes up and goes to the kitchen and reads the note on the kitchen counter. It said that she would be home around 11:00 pm and that there was food in the refrigerator. Jordan calls her Aunt that night to find the directions to the bar. Jordan arrives at the bar and there are beautiful women tossing bottles of liquor in the air and just having fun. One of the bartending women yells out bars closed. Everyone starts to head for the door. Jordan sees Violet and walks towards the bar. Jordan says Hi Violet says Hi what are you doing here Jordan says I just wanted to see your work. One of the bartending women says Hi Violet who's your friend Jordan says this is the bosses niece the one I have to nanny. The woman says OK and then says to Jordan you want a drink. Jordan says yes. Violet says NO! The bartender women say just a shot wouldn't hurt. Violet says OK just a shot I am going to the back to get my stuff. Violet comes back and Jordan is on her tenth shot. Violet says let's go. Jordan says what I am not even drunk and I have drunk way stronger drinks at college parties. Jordan says thanks for the drinks to the bartender women and then Violet says bye to the other women. Violet and Jordan get in the car and drives to Violets place. They get to Violet's place Jordan says I am going to take a shower Violet says I am going to bed. Violet has on her night clothes and is about to jump into bed and there is a knock on her door. Violet says its unlock. Jordan walks in through the door wearing a towel and she was soaking wet. Jordan says do you have any shampoo and Violet looks at her and says yes. Violet goes to her bathroom in her room gets the shampoo and walks back to the room. Jordan is now nake on the bed Violet drops the shampoo and then they make love all night. For the whole summer, Violet and Jordan make love all over the apartment even in the corners of the wall lol and travels around LA. At the end of the summer, Violet and Jordan say their goodbyes and Jordan gets on the plan/Jordan graduates college. Violet is given a big promotion. Violet and Jordan see each other again and falls madly in love with each other they and have sex that night Did Violet and Jordan have sex or what. That's a secret I'll never tell you know you love me xoxo, gossip girl.

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