Friday, March 9, 2018

Poem-I Haven't Found The Book Yet

Poem-I Haven't Found The Book Yet
I Haven't. Found The Book Yet
I Haven't Found The Book Yet
I Haven't Found The Book Yet
The Book That People Who Have Married Celebrities
How Did They Do It
How Did A Everyday Person Marry A Big Time Celebrity
I Haven't Found The Book Yet
I Haven't Found The Book Yet
I Haven't Found The Book Yet
How Did They Give Something
To A Person Who Has Everything
And These Days Celebrities Have Also
What People Might Think They Don't
Have Yes It's True They Have What
I Haven't Found The Book Yet
I Haven't Found The Book Yet
I Haven't Found The Book Yet
To Make A.Celebrity Love A
Everyday Person

Lourdes Leon I Can Truly Say I Have A Crush On You

POPULAR as a grownup

 Popular as a grownup New in town or city hard  To find friends  Why because you are intelligent And look good So you are a breathe of fresh...