Friday, February 9, 2018

Kristin and Jordan A Short Story

Kristin and Jordan A Short Story
Jordan just showed up in town with her parents. New home new friends new place. Jordan and her parents is invited to a neighborhood dinner party. Jordan is walking around the room to room bored and that is when she sees her - Kristin. Jordan right then and there falls in love with Kristin her attitude her smile The next day Jordan's parents tells her that she is going to have a tour guide of the neighborhood by a girl whose parent that they met last night. Jordan says ok.The door bell rings and Jordan opens the door and Kristin is there. Jordan looks and says hi Kristin says hi your Jordan right Jordan say yes.Jordan yells to her parents and says that she is leaving. Jordan gets in Kristin car and they begin to talk. Kristin say so your a lesbian Jordan says yes how did you know because of the wristband Jordan says oh yeah. Kristin says we are going to stop by my house because some friends are coming over to drink some alcohol and that it is nothing that big of a deal about the neighborhood to show Jordan. Jordan and Kristin enters Kristin house and Kristin friends are already there. Kristin and Jordan is a little late because the girls have already started drinking.Jordan and Kristin then begins drinking and Kristin turns on some music and everyone starts to do their drunkin dance. Kristin goes to the kitchen and calls Jordan to join her. Kristin pulls out some jello shots that has been chilling in the refrigerator. Kristin says here open your mouth and kristin puts the jello shot in her mouth and some of the jello got on Jordans neck and Kristin starts to lick it off and then Jordan
and Kristin starts to kiss and Kristin says to Jordan let's go upstairs. Kristin and Jordan have sex Did Kristin And Jordan have sex or what. That's a secret I'll never tell you know amala you love me xoxo, gossip girl.

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