Happy New Years
New years I have now a great job
but haven't found Misses right
But I can truly say I am happy
New year New beginning New chapter
I can't wait
Happy New Years
Happy New Years
New years I have now a great job
but haven't found Misses right
But I can truly say I am happy
New year New beginning New chapter
I can't wait
Happy New Years
Tell Her
I Love You
A Rose That Grew From The Concrete
In the middle of nowhere
Yes you are the most popular person in your town
Yes you can get anything you want
Yes you get the A list Celebrity treatment everytime you go out
But you dont have another person who is beautiful to you or who you are attracted to in that small town
So you are all alone without someone to hold and to love
Without someone to entertwine with your leafs or brush againist your blossom
The Rose That Grew From The Concrete
Growing Up
I have learned a lot
Growing Up
I have grown a lot on this spiritual journey
Growing Up
I have learned that I am not the same person I was yesterday or 10mins ago
Growing Up
look to the sky
when you feel alone
when you feel like no one cares
look to the sky
because God created that
to keep you in rememberins
that you are not alone
and that someone do care
look to the sky
because God created that
to keep you in rememberins
of God
Popular as a grownup New in town or city hard To find friends Why because you are intelligent And look good So you are a breathe of fresh...