Monday, August 10, 2020

The Time Is Now Freestyle

The Time Is Now Freestyle
The Time Is Now
I put that on everything
I bet I walk in the club alone and leave with
whole crew of bitches in the club
yeah that's right it's my time
fuck permission I am bussing down the door
rapping your bitches is not my frortay I get it free
I am not one of these lesbians who talks about
fucking niggas girls what's the fun in that
I be on some other shit like why when I am in a restaurant
with my friends and a nigga is on a date and his girl is staring
at me trying to get my attention to go in the bathroom to fuck her
I rappe about stupid shit like that
Like why is your bitch ridding my dick at 12 oclock in the morning
talking about afterward she wants to stay the night
I'm like fuck na I have another bitch that's going to be here at 1
I rappe about why when I am walking in the mall and your girl is holding your hand
and is staring at me up and down
showing you total disrepect
The Time Is Now
I put that on everything
fuck permission I am bussing down the door
bussing your bitch on a synthetic dick
like I said the time is now
I put that on everything
my wife will be a beautiful queen
that just stepped off a magazine
bitch I am here to stay never to leave
that is what I will tell her on our wedding day
fuck a blog I am going to the stars
making millions fuck that zillion
I put that on everything
like I said
The time is now

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