Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Gay Church

You Can Now Marry Whoever You Want And Still Go To Heaven In The Sky I Just Want To Say I Love God And I Love Jesus

There was a time that the kkk once told black people God did not love them and to this very day the kkk tell gay people this same thing that God does not love gay people. I Say Go To Gay Church And Get Truely Save!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Gay And Lesbian TV Shows Queer As Folk And The L Word

Gay And Lesbian TV Shows
Queer As Folk
The L Word

A Short Story

A Short Story

Alice, Tarasha, and Helena are sitting in Helena's nightclub no one is there. They are thinking about who should perform at Helena's nightclub for Gay Pride. Alice suggests paramore hot band beautiful chick. Tarasha suggests Beyonce. Helena says no. Then Alice says what about Demi Lovato. Helena says yeah she would be great. Helena gets in touch with Demi Lovato's people and sets up the performance. Helena says to Alice and Tarasha Demi Lovato will be flying in tomorrow. The next morning Helena is waiting at her nightclub for Demi Lovato. Helena is at the bar telling the bartender how she would like the liquor organized. Demi lovato walks up to her and taps Helena on the
shoulder and says are you Helena the owner of this nightclub. Helena turns around and says yes.They stare at each other for a quick second and then begins to talk about how the performance will be and they just did rehearsal all day. It was almost dinner time and Helena asked Demi would you like to go to dinner.Demi says yes.After dinner, Helena drives Demi to her hotel.Demi asks Helena would she like to come up for some drinks and finish their conversation.Demi and Helena started drinking in the living room..Demi gets up and says I am going to take a shower I will be back.After a few seconds, Helena goes to the room where Demi is taking a shower takes off her clothes and joins Demi in the shower they have sex. The next day is Gay Pride Demi performs. The Nightclub is so crowded you could hardly move but everyone was having a great time.It was the beautiful Demi Lovato performing after all.Demi after her mini-concert asks Henela for her phone number.Helena gives Demi her phone number. They talked on the phone when Demi was not in town and the next day they began a relationship that has been going on thus far. Is this a true story that's one secret i'll never tell you know you love me xoxo, gossip girl.

Friday, September 22, 2017

This Is An Artwork I Did When I Was Younger

This Is An Artwork I Did When I Was Younger I Would Like To Put It In An Art Gallery For Sale If You Know Someone Who Owns An Art Gallery Let Them Know About This Artwork It's Called Coming Out Of The Closet Thank You

Thursday, September 14, 2017

A Short Story Hailee Steinfeld And Kendall Jenner

Hailee Steinfeld And Kendall Jenner
(A Short Story Hailee Steinfeld And Kendall Jenner)

Kendall Jenner is going to be in a fashion show tonight.Everyone will be there whose so ever is an A-List Celebrity.Kendall is preparing in the dressing room along with the other models.Hailee Steinfeld and some friends who came along with her is sitting in the front row.The Fashion Show is starting the music begins and the fashion models start to walk the runway.Kendall is next as Kendall is walking the runway she sees Hailee and Hailee see Kendall and their eyes connected and everyone else seems to pause.She wakes up quickly and turns and heads back to backstage.The Fashion Show ends and next is the after party.Hailee says to her friends in the car did you see Kendall and one of her friends says yes she looked so beautiful I hope she is going to be at the fashion show after party.Hailee says I hope so too.Hailee and her friends arrive at the after party and Hailee see Kendall Hailee walks over and Kendall is talking with other models.Hailee taps her on the shoulder and says Hi Kendall turns around and says Hi.Kendall and Hailee talk to each other the entire night and then one of Hailee friends came over and says it time to go I am getting sleepy.Hailee says to Kendall can I get your number maybe we can talk tomorrow.Kendall says yes.Then the next day Hailee calls Kendall they make plans for dinner that night.Kendall arrives at Hailee place there both wearing very beautiful dresses.After dinner, they sit on the edge of the pool with their legs in the pool and start to kiss.That night they made love in the pool. The next day Kendall is sitting at her families table and all she could think about was Hailee. Khole, Kendall's sister says Kendall and snaps her finger because Kendall is day dreaming.Kendall says oh sorry.Khole than says so who's the lucky guy.Kendall says what are you talking about.Knole says you are day dreaming so it has to be about a guy so tell us who is he and then everyone at the table starts to say yes tell us.Right then Kendall gets a call from Hailee.Kendall says I have to take this call.Khole says that has to be him shes blushing.Kendall than says to Khole whatever smiling.Kendall answers her phone as she is walking away from the table and Hailee says are you coming over tonight I bought some movies.Kendall says sure I am having dinner with my family afterward I will come over.After dinner, Kendall goes to Hailee's place they made out threw all the movies and had sex. The next day Kendall walks into the house and into the kitchen all of her family are at the table.Kendall says WHATS UP and goes to the refrigerator and gets some grapes.Khole says Kendall come to the table we have to talk to you.Kendall sits down and says whats wrong.Kendall's dad who is a transexual says we have to ask you something and be honest.Kendall says what.Khole says are you a lesbian.Kendall says NO! and smiles and gets up out of her chair and says I am going to my room.Kendall's mom says no your not we are going to talk about this.Kendall sits and Kim says Me, Khole and Kourtney followed you yesterday and we saw everything threw the window.Kendall's mom says explain are you a lesbian.Kendall gets up out of her chair and says you had no business following me and runs out of the door.Kendall goes to Hailee's place and Hailee opens the door Kendall is crying and breathing hard.Hailee says whats wrong as Kendall walks threw the door.Kendall says they know they know Hailee says who knows what Kendall says, my family.Hailee says they now what Kendall says they know we had sex.Kendall says we can not see each other anymore. Hailee says what do you mean Kendall I care about you.Kendall says I care about you too and they begin to kiss and they made love the whole day.Kendall arrives back to the house that night her and her family talks Did Kendall and Hailee have sex or what. That's a secret I'll never tell you know you love me xoxo, gossip girl.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

A Short Story

A Short Story

Jordan was on an airplane on her way to college. The day before (Madonna's Music Playing In The Background) her friends told her the day before that Lourdes Leon madonna's daughter would be attending her college and that what if Lourdes was her roommate and to get and autography for them from Lourdes and her mother madonna. Jordan told her friends I probably not even see her that all of her bodyguards would be totally surrounding her protecting her each day. Jordan then says I can not wait for us to go to California Gay Pride our first Gay Pride. One of Jordan's friends said I can't believe the captain of the football team couldn't tell that you were a lesbian Jordan then said how could he I wore beautiful dresses almost every day and then I was the prom queen. Next there song Material Girl was the next song on Madonna's playlist They began to lip sing Ah Material Ah Material. The Next Day Jordan and her parents and her friends were at the airport. Jordan gives her parents a hug and her friends a hug one of Jordan's friends yells out as she is going to her terminal give Lourdes Leon a big kiss for me. Jordan gets on the airplane put her headphones on and starts her playlist yes no other song would be first other than madonna's song and falls asleep. The suit does wake Jordan up and says you are at your destination everyone on the airplane is boarding off. Jordan gets a taxi and heads to her college. Jordan walks into her new domain room with her bags.Jordan sees a bed and a desk on one side and a bed and a desk on the other side there were lots of suitcases on the other side so she put her suitcases down on the other side. Jordan begins unpacking then she goes to the cafeteria where she meets Kimberly they began talking. Kimberly then says you know Madonna's daughter Lourdes Leon is going to be attending our college Jordan says yes. Kimberly says what if I have a class with her OMG I would totally die Jordan says I am sure you would (smiling).Jordan and Kimberly spend the whole day touring around the campus Jordan kept getting flirtatious looks from girls. Kimberly finely says is this a lesbian college are something my God yes you are very beautiful but yeah. Jordan smiles then Jordan says let's go downtown to a coffee shop. Kimberly at that time did not know downtown is where all the Gay people were. Jordan and Kimberly went to a coffee and bookstore all in one. Kimberly says there are so many girls staring at you it is fucking ridiculous. Before they left the ten girls gave Jordan their number. Jordan and Kimberly walk back to campus at that time it is 11:00 at night. Jordan says goodbye to Kimberly after exchanging numbers Kimberly walks to her dorm room. Jordan goes into her dorm room and sees someone sleeping in the bed where she saw all of the suitcases. Jordan puts down her messager bag on her desk and gets her pajamas and goes and takes a shower. Jordan goes to bed. The next day Jordan's alarm clock goes off she pushes the button to turn it off and sees that her roommate has already gone to there class. Jordan gets ready and goes to her first class of college. Jordan's first class is psychology a woman is teaching. Jordan's first class was great a lot of discussions on current events. 5:00 pm All of Jordan's classes were over Jordan calls Kimberly with her cell phone and says let met at the cafeteria to talk about our first day of college Kimberly says yes. Jordan and Kimberly meet at the cafeteria and talks about their first day of college. Afterwards, Jordan and Kimberly head to their dorm roomes. Jordan walks into her dorm and sees a girl at one of the desks she then knew that was her roommate. Jordan shuts the door and says Hi I'm Jordan the girl then turns and looks at Jordan and say Hi I'm Lourdes. Jordan looks like she is in shook and says Hi you are Madonna's daughter right. Lourdes says yes Jordan says I am a big fan of your mother. Lourdes says I get that a lot. Lourdes and Jordan begin to laugh. Jordan says how was your first of college Lourdes says it was great and starts talking about all of her classes and the different people and their reactions to her being in their class. Jordan then explains about her first day of college and how she thinks her Psychology teacher maybe a lesbian because her lesbian radar went off. Lourdes then says Lesbian radar (laughing). Lourdes then asks Jordan are you a lesbian. Jordan then says yes I am. Lourdes then passes and Jordan and Lourdes then started to look into each other's eyes for a quick minute. Jordan then says I am about to take a shower and then go to bed.
Lourdes then says I am starting an English paper that is due to this Spring Break a little early so that I don't have to do it for Spring Break. Jordan says smartly. Jordan comes out of the bathroom and sees that Lourdes is in her bed. Jordan grabs her cell phone an turns not facing Lourdes Jordan covers her head and begins to text her friend back home. Jordan texts her friends "you won't believe who is my room mate one of Jordan's friend's text back don't tell me Lourdes Leon Jordan texted back yes and Jordan other friends were like who and Jordan texted back Lourdes Leon. The text almost the whole night until Jordan texted them saying I have to get some sleep I have class the next day. The next day Jordan's alarm clock goes off she pushes it to make it stop. Jordan get's ready for her art class. In Jordan's art class she meets two new friends in class they have to draw a nake women who are sitting in front of the class. Jordan passes because she is a very go artist. After Jordan classes, Kimberly texted Jordan and says do you want to go to a NightClub because it was Friday. Jordan says and could she invite some friends she met in class. Kimberly says yes. They all meet up at the dorm room lobby. They all go to a NightClub Kimberly says my God is this a Lesbian NightClub there are so many girls hitting on you Jordan. Jordan says maybe. Jordan's other friends say that last girl was very beautiful. Jordan says yes. Jordan's other friend says how many women numbers do you have so far. Jordan says 50. Jordan then says guess whose my room mate they all said who Lourdes Leon Madonna's daughter. Kimberly says WHAT ARE YOU SERIOUS Jordan says yes. Right then and there someone taps on Jordan's shoulder Jordan turns around and it is Lourdes and some of her friends. Jordan told Lourdes what NightClub she and her friends would be at if she wanted to come. Lourdes says Hi to Jordan and her friends. Lourdes then say you want to join me and my friends in the VIP. Jordan and her friends say. Lourdes and Jordan are sitting side by side and they begin to talk about how great the NightClub is. Lourdes says to the waiter champagne bottles for all of my friends. After Jordan drinks a whole bottle of champagne by herself. Everyone was also a little drunk from the there bottle of champagne. Lourdes looks at Jordan Jordan looks at Lourdes Lourdes then begins to kiss Jordan Jordan kisses her back. Everyone is too drunk to notice at that time. Kimberly then says want to come up for air you two. Lourdes and Jordan stop and started holding each other's hands. Afterwards, they all had a great time drunk talking and laughing. They left the NightClub when it was about to close. Everyone went to their dorm rooms. Jordan puts on her pajamas and goes to bed and so did Lourdes. After A few minutes of silents, Lourdes jumps into Jordan's bed and says Jordan are you sleep. Jordan turns around and is facing Lourdes who is in her bed and says no. Lourdes says good and begins to kiss Jordan. They both have sex until the sun came up. Jordan's alarm clock goes off Jordan wakes up pushes the button to turn it off. She looks an sees that Lourdes has gone to class. Through out the whole semester, they had sex but did not say to each other officially and to others that they were girlfriend and girlfriend. Spring break was a few days away. Lourdes asked Jordan would she come with her to her mother's place for Spring Break. Jordan says yes. They both get on the airplane going to Lourdes mothers place. Sitting in First Class. Lourdes and Jordan get to Lourdes mothers place and Lourdes mother was not there. Lourdes shows Jordan the room she would be staying in. Jordan says so I want be sleeping with you this whole Spring Break. Lourdes Laugh and then kiss Jordan. Lourdes mother calls her and says that she will be inviting some friends over for dinner. Jordan gets ready when she goes down stairs there are a lot of people sitting and standing in the living room. there are gay male vogue dancers and straight band people just talking. Lourdes walks to Jordan and says let me introduce to everyone. After a few minutes, Lourdes mother walked through the door and said Hi to everyone. The maid then says dinner is served to everyone. Madonna says, Lourdes, how is school Lourdes says the school is great. Madonna then says to Jordan so Jordan tells me about yourself. Jordan says I am an Art Major and so far I have all A's in my class. Madonna then says you are a very beautiful girl I know there are boys line up for you. Jordan smiles and then say not really. Then in comes Lourdes boyfriend she had before college. Madonna says Lourdes look who's here I invited him over to see you. Lourdes gets up from her chair and gives him a hug and says HI! Jordan in her head is thing WHAT THE HELL. The Next day Jordan gets up everyone is gone she takes a shower. As she is in the Shower Lourdes joins her. They have sex in the shower for about and hour. They both go down stairs and Madonna and Lourdes old boyfriend are in the living room talking. Madonna says Jordan lets go out on a girls day I can show you around the town and Lourdes and her old boyfriend will go out together. Jordan says Great!. The next day Lourdes and Jordan are looking at TMZ and they have Lourdes and her old boyfriend touching all over each other. Jordan turns off the TV and says what was that. Lourdes says that we were just drunk and we got a little touch feely with each other. We did not make out are anything. Jordan then says are you straight and in that moment Jordan realized that she was living a lie because Lourdes Mother thought they were both straight. Lourdes says no I am with you right so I am not straight. Madonna calls Lourdes and say that she could not spend Spring Break with her because she had some business to take care of. Lourdes tells Jordan afterwards they had sex on the couch. Lourdes and Jordan just had a great time the whole Spring Break. Lourdes invited some of her mothers gay and lesbian vogue dancers over for game night and that was when Lourdes told someone that she was gay. The vogue dancers said congratulations and then one of them said when are you going to tell your mother. Lourdes said I don't know yet. The last night of Spring Break Lourdes decked out her mothers place very romanticly for Jordan. Jordan and a few of the vogue dancers went out together. When Jordan open the door the lights are deem Jordan went goes upstairs takes a shower then she put on Victoria Secret Longera that is on the bed. Goes downstairs and there is whip cream cans and all types of fruits on the table in the living room with the fire place lite Lourdes is there she says Hi!. Lourdes and Jordan are looking very beautiful in their Victoria Secret Longera. The Have A Very Romantic Night. The Next Day they get on the plan go back to college. Thought out their whole college term they are together. Their senior year in college. Lourdes starts her own clothing line which is successful. Jordan is an honor student in all of her classes and a famous art gallery wants to put all of Jordans work in their art gallery Did Lourdes and Jordan have sex or what. That's a secret I'll never tell you know you love me xoxo, gossip girl.

Lesbians Xena And Gabrielle

  Xena And Gabrielle

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Imagine You And Me

Imagine You And Me

Drop Dead Beautiful Britney Spears ft. Sabi

Drop Dead Beautiful ft. Sabi

Britney Spears Lyrics (Edited)
Play "(Drop Dead) Beautif…"
on Amazon Music
"(Drop Dead) Beautiful"
(feat. Sabi)

Diamond, diamond
Shinin', shinin'
Ooh Girl
You so fine
Gotta be the finest thing
That I seen in my life
I will pay whatever
Just to get a better view
And yeah, your body looks so sick
I think I caught the flu

Look at you
Look at you
Be my sweetie
Be my honey tonight
Look at you
Look at you
Be my sweetie
Be my honey tonight

'Cause you're beautiful
(Drop dead)
(Drop dead)
(Drop dead)
(Drop dead)
(Drop dead)
(Drop dead)
(Drop dead)
You're some kind of fine

Girl, you know
You're beautiful
I know you heard it before
Girl, you know
You broke the mold
Nobody even comes close
Nobody even comes close
You're some kind of fine

Whoever said that beauty's on the inside is a liar
'Cause, what I'm looking at right now
Would make a big girl cry
So fasten up your seatbelt
It's gon' be a bumpy ride

Look at you
Look at you
Be my sweetie
Be my honey tonight
Look at you
Look at you
Be my sweetie
Be my honey tonight

'Cause you're beautiful
(Drop dead)
(Drop dead)
(Drop dead)
(Drop dead)
(Drop dead)
(Drop dead)
(Drop dead)
You're some kind of fine

Girl, you know
You're beautiful
I know you heard it before
Girl, you know
You broke the mold
Nobody even comes close
Nobody even comes close
You're some kind of fine

[Rap: Sabi]
I think I like you
Girl, Girl
Look at you
I wanna get, get, get next to you
Got me kinda hot
But, I ain't sweatin' you
Steamin' like like a pot full of vegetables
Girl, Girl
Look at me
I know you wanna touch
But it ain't for free
I don't need your money
I just want your D
Girl, come over here with your sexy ass

'Cause you're beautiful
(Drop dead)
(Drop dead)
(Drop dead)
(Drop dead)
(Drop dead)
(Drop dead)
(Drop dead)
You're some kind of fine

Girl, you know
You're beautiful
I know you heard it before
Girl, you know
You broke the mold
Nobody even comes close
Nobody even comes close
You're some kind of fine
Girl you know

Role Play

Role Play
Role Play
Role Play

I'll be Trey
And You'll Be 
The Fan

Role Play
Role Play
Role Play

I'll dip you 
in milk
and leek 
you dry

Role Play
Role Play
Role Play

You'll be
the canvas
and I'll
be the painter

Role Play
Role Play
Role Play

I'll be the
friend Who is
in love with You
and you the friend who is in love with me 
The True Forbidden Love
And The Best Sex Ever
Might I Add

Role Play
Role Play
Role Play

POPULAR as a grownup

 Popular as a grownup New in town or city hard  To find friends  Why because you are intelligent And look good So you are a breathe of fresh...