Friday, July 21, 2017

I Have a Crush Poem

I Have a Crush Poem

When you can't seem to think about anything but that one special person, you probably have a crush on them. Sometimes crushes come on quickly, love-at-first-sight style. Other times, crushes sneak up on you, turning a good friend into the object of your affection seemingly overnight. Crushes make you smile for no reason, daydream relentlessly, and feel extra motivated to go to school. They also make you reread text conversations a hundred times, just because. They are fun and innocent and sometimes, if you are extra lucky, they can even lead to


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Review On The Movie Imagine You And Me

Review On The Movie Imagine You And Me

Rachel is about to get married and by some cosmetic fate as she is walking down the aisle
she looks over to the side and she falls right then and there in love with a woman name Luce.Rachel despite what she just realized that she was gay, she gets married. Rachel and Luce meet each other at the banquet and Luce the women who is actually gay says hi to Rachel who has already also stolen her heart. Rachel says hi as her arm is in a punch bowl trying to fish out her ring which is in the punch bowl. Rachel and Luce through out the movie fall deeper and deeper in love with each other. At the end of the movie Rachel breaks up with her husband and runs for the one she truly loves and that would be Luce.They give each other a great big kiss and the movie ends. All around a great movie.

POPULAR as a grownup

 Popular as a grownup New in town or city hard  To find friends  Why because you are intelligent And look good So you are a breathe of fresh...